[SERI ‘FINALE’ DISKUSI “Pembangunan Ekonomi”]
š : Friday, 27 October 2023
ā° : 16.00-17.00 BST
š : https://link.doctrineuk.org/family-business
As the most ubiquitous type of business worldwide, family business (FB) studies have flourished in recent decades. Family influences make FB unique and distinct compared to non-FB. This event will introduce FB research and discuss how this type of organization learns to develop resilience in a crisis.
On this finale of Seri Diskusi “Pembangunan Ekonomi”, *Muhammad Fariz* ( _University of Leeds_ ) is going to introduce the field of family business as part of his study on Friday, 27 October 2023 at 16.00-18.00 BST. *Rama Permana* ( _Bournemouth University_ ) will be moderating the discussion, open to everyone!
Basic reading: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/14626001111106406/full/html
Save the date-time, don’t miss it!