Discussion Session – Open for Public
SHARKlock holmes: Forensic techniques to untangle fishy trade
For 400 million years, sharks (refer to sharks and rays) have ruled the seas as the ultimate apex predators. But now, sharks face a new threat; a new apex predator has moved in, and that predator is us. Conservative life history, habitat destruction, unsustainable tourism, overfishing, and illegal trade are the perfect combination of serious threats to the shark population. The shark trade is lucrative and complex, so this discussion will deliver the recent forensic techniques used to ensure the long-term benefits of these charismatic creatures. Are you the next sharks detective?
Hari/tanggal : Saturday, 17 February 2024
Pukul : 09.00-10.15 GMT/ 16.00-17.15 WIB
Speaker : Andhika Prima Prasetyo, Ph.D. (Pusat Riset Konservasi
SD Laut dan Perairan Darat, Organisasi Riset Kebumian
dan Maritim, BRIN/University of Salford)
Opening remarks : Rezza F Prisandy (The President of Doctrine UK)
Zoom Meeting : https://zoom.us/j/99957930715?pwd=REREOFVyUjVWTzZkUlBmSkdsUEtCQT09
Meeting ID : 999 5793 0715
Passcode : 537301
Doctoral Epistemic of Indonesia in the UK (Doctrine UK)
Cluster Biodiversity Studies