Assessing the Policy Responsiveness Towards Public Opinion in the Case of Social Policy in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis

Zoom , United Kingdom

Klaster Policy dan Development kali ini akan membuka diskusi terkait "Assessing the Policy Responsiveness Towards Public Opinion in the Case of Social Policy in Indonesia during the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis", bersama: Pemantik Diskusi Denny Kurniawan Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton. Moderator Sofiarti Dyah Anggunia Department of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Public […]

Kuantifikasi dalam Penelitian Kualitatif: Mengungkap Segmen Wisatawan Pedesaan di Bali Melalui Analisa Klaster Berbasis Praktik Sosial

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Kami dari Transport & Logistics and Policy Development Cluster mengundang rekan-rekan semua untuk menghadiri Sharing Session oleh teman kita yang baru saja mendapatkan Smeed Prize dalam UTSG Conference, Rama Permana (PhD Student Bournemouth University) dan kegiatan ini akan dipandu oleh Denny Indra Sukmawan (PhD Student University of Liverpool) sebagai moderator. Sharing session kali ini mengangkat tema: Kuantifikadi dalam Penelitian Kualitatif: Mengungkap Segmen Wisatawan […]

Pariwisata Indonesia Ranking 22 Dunia: Data atau Fakta?

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Recently, the World Economic Forum has released the latest index, which is the Tourism & Travel Development Index (TTDI) 2024, which is released Biennially, and Indonesia became one of the countries on the list. After having gradually increased year by year, surprisingly, this year, Indonesia showed a positif trend which was jumping from 44 to […]

EU Deforestation Free Regulation (EUDR) and The Right of Small Holders Farmers. “An Environment and Social Justice Perspective”

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Open for Public Promoting the consumption of ‘deforestation-free’ products and reducing the EU’s impact on global deforestation and forest degradation, the new Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 on deforestation-free products is expected to bring down greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. Can Indonesian smallholder farmers survive under the EU Deforestation Free Regulation (EUDR)? Let's see this in […]

ENERPOD #10 KLASTER ENERGI⁣: Geological Elements Required for CCS using case studies from onshore and offshore UK

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ENERPOD #10 KLASTER ENERGI⁣ ⁣ Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk menerapkan teknologi Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) sebagai alternatif energi terbarukan. CCS diproyeksikan mampu menjadi solusi dalam mencapai target Net Zero Emission 2060, dengan menyimpan karbon di bawah permukaan bumi melalui formasi geologi yang tepat. Namun, hingga saat ini, penerapan CCS di Indonesia masih terbatas, […]

Sharing Session “Is my Literature Review Publishable?”

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📚✨ Open for Public: Academic Discussion! ✨📚 Are you curious about the publishability of your literature review? 🧐 Discussion Series from Cluster of People-Organization will talk more in-depth about the topic with Nia Kurniati Bachtiar (PhD at The University of Glasgow) as the speaker, and Sofiarti Dyah Anggunia (PhD at University College London) as the […]

Optimising monitoring and conservation of threatened mammals in tropical forests

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OPEN FOR PUBLIC⁣ ⁣ DISCUSSION SESSION BIODIVERSITY CLUSTER DOCTRINE UK⁣ ⁣ “OPTIMISING MONITORING AND CONSERVATION OF THREATENED MAMMALS IN TROPICAL FORESTS”⁣ ⁣ This talk will discuss various approaches to enhancing biodiversity conservation in tropical forests, focusing on improving the effectiveness of mammal monitoring and targeting conservation actions using systematic conservation planning.⁣ ⁣ 🗓️ Thursday / […]

Papua Today: Advancing Development and Policy for a Sustainable Future

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Join us for an insightful discussion on the current landscape of development and policy in Papua. This event will explore critical topics, including climate change adaptation, strengthening the research sector, enhancing security, and fostering international partnerships—particularly with the UK. Together, we aim to highlight opportunities for collaboration and innovative solutions to shape a brighter, more […]

Health Talk – Population Health

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HEALTH TALK⁣ ⁣ OPEN FOR PUBLIC⁣ ⁣ Klaster Health Sciences⁣ ⁣ Health Talk hadir kembali dan kali ini membawa tema Population Health. Dua pembicara akan membagikan hasil penelitian mereka. Mari bergabung dalam webinar yang akan diadakan pada:⁣ ⁣ 🗓️ Sabtu / 7 Desember 2024⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⏰ 14.00 BST / 21.00 WIB ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 🖥️ Zoom :⁣ […]

Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework: A Critique

Zoom , United Kingdom

Klaster Institusionalisme x Policy & Development Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework: A Critique Ketika terjadi kelangkaan sumber daya, organisasi dan institusi akan berusaha memeratakan akses secara maksimal. Tapi, kenyataannya? Kelangkaan justru sering memunculkan monopoli dan free riding. Seharusnya teori-teori institusi bisa lebih tajam memahami sifat manusia yang rentan terhadap korupsi. Lebih jauh, kajian-kajian tata […]

Academic Writing: Starting to Write – How to Develop Research Ideas

Baru mau mulai nulis karya ilmiah tapi bingung gimana ngembangin ide riset? ⁣ 📝 Yuk, ikuti workshop ‘Academic Writing’ bareng Kalihputro Fachriansyah, ketua education cluster Doctrine UK!⁣ ⁣ 📅 13 Desember 2024⁣ 🕢 19.30 - 21.45 GMT⁣ 🔗 Daftar di:⁣ Download slides di: ⁣ #AcademicWriting ⁣ #DoctrineUK ⁣ #WorkshopRiset #PengembanganIde⁣ #collaborate⁣ #lpdpuk⁣ #mgbiuk

SEFRUIT TEORI #5 Task-Based Needs Analysis

EDUCATION CLUSTER SEFRUIT TEORI SERIES #5: Task-Based Needs Analysis You are warmly invited to join the SEFRUIT TEORI Series, a platform designed to facilitate knowledge sharing on various theoretical frameworks underpinning educational research conducted by Doctrine UK scholars. Our upcoming Zoom session will focus on the topic: "Bringing Real-World Tasks into the Classroom: A Task-Based […]